What is the meaning of “refurbished”?

Different people may have a different understanding of this word and correspondingly different “refurbishing” procedures, resulting in very different instrument performance. For MOYO Scientific, the refurbishing procedures encompass the following steps:

Complete Cleaning

Completely disassemble the instrument and perform thorough cleaning from the inside out.

Core Components Maintenances

Performance maintenance for the core components, like motors, optical units, PCB boards, Etc, to make them return to good working condition.

Consumables Replacing

Replace consumables with NEW replacement parts, like seals, lamps, tubings, Etc.

Performance Tests

Assemble the instrument, run a series of performance tests as QC checks. All test reports are available for each instrument or module.

After the refurbishment, the instrument looks NEW and more importantly, works like NEW. It will be eager waiting to start its 2nd life-cycle serving its new master. With our continuous technical support and supplies of high-quality repair parts, you can rest assured that your instrument will be able to serve its purpose longer and your investment will be recovered sooner than you might have expected.

Comparison of used and refurbished HPLC